Get More Sales With

Customer Insights Content Analysis Daily Emails Customer Service Offer Creation Our Sales Team

Our done-for-you service and support software increases the lifetime value of your customers which gives you more profit and a higher company valuation without paid ads or social media.

You already have the key.

Trusted by some of the worlds leading marketing companies

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What is
A competitive advantage
that boosts sales

We’ve helped over 1,900 businesses get a higher lifetime value per customer than their competitors in 30 days without needing any new leads.

Done for you offer creation,
email writing, and sales service

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Step 1 Customer Insight Report

We create a custom survey to learn your customers’ dreams, desires, fears and frustrations, and begin crafting a sales letter that is either a repositioning of what you currently offer or a new offer that we outline for you.

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Step 2 We Analyze Your Content

The team will analyze your content and voice to create a data base of knowledge so we know how to share your knowledge with your audience the same way you would.

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Step 3 We Write Daily Emails

A dedicated writer from our team will write a daily email for you to broadcast out to your mailing list, with NO links in the email. Instead they will encourage a reply and invite your leads into an email conversation. This is the BEST way to stay out of the promotion tab.

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Step 4 We Reply to the Responses

The writer will continue a small conversation over 2-3 emails before asking permission to send out the offer we have developed for you.

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Step 5 We Send a Sales Letter
Our team will then send out the fully written long form sale letter, that includes value, tips and advice and handle any customer service questions related to the offer.
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Step 6 We Make You More Sales

Then we process the sale and give you the money from the sale!

Real Results for Real People

Rated 5/5 Stars
By Our Clients

“Before I started working with Adam, I was working 70-hour weeks and struggling to make $10k a month. In four months, I have quadrupled my revenue and now I work around 10 hours a week.”

Jessica J.
Jessica J. Dating

“After implementing the system, my profit margins jumped from 2x to 5x. It automatically gave me an extra $10,000 per month.”

Nick Blum
RNR Tire Express

“The first day, after sending out the very first email, I got over a hundred responses. It is going to total well over $70,000 in revenue over the course of the next year.”

Jordan Gwyther
The Journey North

“We made $123,000 in one month. To put that into perspective,I made $87,000 in my business in all of 2021 before that. The strategy? Create the right offer.”

Lanell Beckles
Occam’s Fitness

“In four weeks, I’ve made almost 5,000 euros in sales and 2000 euros of pure profits with”

Lars Hegemann
Sailing for Management”

“I made over $30,000 in two weeks. And now, there’s more applications and more clients than I know what to do with.”

Lloyd Dixon
The Single Man

“I just made the biggest sale of my life: I made a $10,000 sale to one customer following the exact process that Adam teaches. It has changed my life and changed my business.”

Zach Paul
High-Performance Entrepreneur Secrets

Find the Upsells and Cross-Sells Your Customers WANT to Buy

Gain a massive competitive advantage with a higher lifetime value from your customers than any of your competitors through irresistible Upsells.