We Get You More Sales
Without Paid Ads

Our Done-for-You service will uncover what customers that you already have want to buy from you. Then, we help sell it to them.

Spreadsheet showing different industries' cost per lead ranging from thirty-one dollars to two-hundred and eight dollars

One of The Biggest Costs in Sales is Finding New Leads

You need more sales with much lower costs

How Does it Work?

We uncover what products and services the customers you already have want to buy from you then we sell it to them on your behalf.

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We survey your best customers to gain insight into what problems they wish you would solve for them, how much they think is a fair price to get that problem solved, how they’d like you to deliver the solution to them, and any other cross-sells and upsells they would be highly interested in buying from you.

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“After implementing Upsells, my profit margins jumped from 2x to 5x. It automatically gave me an extra $10,000 per month.”

Nick Blum – RNR Tires Express

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Our Upsells team will become very familiar with your product, customers, content, and brand. Using all the information we gather, we’ll create a database of knowledge so that we can share your message with your customers, followers, and fans the same way you would.

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“We went from $1,000 a month when I started using Upsells to $2,300 a day now.”

JM Tetreault – Do Well Inc.

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A dedicated writer from our team will begin writing a daily email for you to broadcast to your mailing list with no links in the email that lead to a product or service to buy. Instead, they will encourage a reply and invite your leads to converse via email. This is the best way to stay out of the promotion tab.

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“After we implemented the email marketing system, I generated over 100 leads in a day and closed $70,000 worth of sales.

Jordan Gwyther – The Voyage North

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The dedicated writer you get as our client will continue to engage your customers over email 2-3 emails. After that, they will ask your customers’ permission to offer them the product or service the Upsells team has been working with you to develop.

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“Before I started working with the Upsells team, I was working 70-hour weeks and struggling to make $10k a month. In four months, I have quadrupled my revenue and now I work around 10 hours a week.

Jessica J – Jessica J. Dating

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After engaging with your customers and getting permission to send them the new offer we’ve helped you create, we’ll send them a value-packed long-form sales letter that also answers any frequently asked questions and customer service questions they may have.

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“We made $123,000 in one month from one launch! to put that into perspective, I made $87,000 in all of 2021 before that.”

Lanell Beckles – Occam’s Fitness

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We process the sales and pass 100% of the profits on to you.

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“Upsells has allowed me to make more money in two weeks than I had done in my previous three months.

Lloyd Dixon – The Single Guy

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Upsells dot com logo

Email Marketer


Customer Analytics Specialist

Customer Insight Report

Content Analysis

Email Broadcast

Email Replies

Sales Letter Creation



per month


per month
+ commission


+ royalties


per month

Email Marketer


per month
+ commission



+ royalties

Customer Analytics Specialist


per month

Upsells dot com logo


per month

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If you feel Upsells didn’t live up to your expectations, we’ll give you your money back and you can keep everything we created for you.

This guarantee is good for 30 days to give you plenty of time to put Upsells into use and see the amazing results for yourself.

Start Earning More Profits without Paid Ads

Our Done-for-You service will uncover what customers that you already have want to buy from you.

Then, we help sell it to them.

Pick a time to meet with our onboarding specialist with this calendar.