Helping Businesses
Grow Faster

Thousands of business use our systems for
explosive and sustained growth.

Our Mission

We know that the number one reason great businesses struggle is because they just don’t know what their best customers want to buy from them.

We help our clients uncover what those customers would like to buy. Then, we sell it to them.

Say hello to your dream business.

Chart showing that selling a product people don't need is the biggest reason businesses fail


Our CEO, Adam Lyons


Adam Lyons has boosted the revenue for over 1,900 businesses since 2020.

Many of Adam’s customers came to him during the rough times of 2020, (like the Dungeons and Dragons Shop in Bastrop, Texas, which he grew by 36,000% in the middle of the pandemic).

Beyond his own portfolio of growing companies, Adam is an advisor for over 500 brands and experts across the U.S. and Canada. He’s been awarded multiple two-comma club awards. Companies he has worked with include PepsiCo, Nike, Nescafé, Discovery Digital Networks and many smaller brands.

He first used his knowledge to grow his own personal expertise into a 7-figure-a-year business before the requests from other experts started coming in.

Today, Adam lives on a ranch in Texas with his wife and their five children where he helps hundreds of experts boost their revenue each year through the use of customer insight reports and Upsells.